Securing Your Business Data
Our cyber security program is a critical piece of our Information Technology as a Service plan. We implement a wide variety of best practices to keep your business secure. Our experience with a wide variety of customers in different areas of business has given us the ability to build a comprehensive list of security practices that we apply to each of our customers. Including security in our ITaaS plan gives us confidence in our ability to keep you, your users, and your company’s data safe, and we’re always evaluating our security policies to ensure your company is following the most up to date set of standards and practices.
We keep your business’s data secure with a multi-layered approach to information security. We’ve partnered with Cisco to deliver a blanket of security coverage to your network with Meraki’s Advanced Threat Protection software. We have also partnered with Webroot to deliver endpoint protection that will keep your computers and servers protected from targeted malware and viral infections.
Whole Technology prides itself on taking a strong stance when it comes to following best practices with security. Nothing is 100%, and because of this, we have partnered with TechRug to offer our clients cyber-security insurance. This insurance comes at an additional cost, and it’s wise to invest in a cyber-security plan that will provide you with compensation should a breach occur.
Improperly trained or malicious employees are some of the top causes of security breaches. Our intimate knowledge of how your business works and your staff can give us insight into users who may be points of risk for your business. We’ll work with you and your team to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Business Data Backups
Protecting your data is one of our top priorities as your trusted IT service provider. Whole Technology backs up your data, securely, to the cloud, every day. Data is encrypted on its way to the cloud and once it arrives. Each workstation and server at your business will be backed up and data can be retained for as long as you need.
Anyone can back up your data, but do they test those backups? Whole Technology dedicates time each month to make sure your backups are ready when you need them. On a monthly basis, we will do a test restore of your data to make sure that backups are functioning as expected and we can confidently restore your data in the event of hard disk failure or other form of data loss.
With applications and services moving to the cloud, there is a common misconception among users that their data is completely safe in the cloud. Unfortunately, Microsoft won’t restore emails if a user maliciously deletes their entire inbox. It’s up to the end user company, or their partner IT service provider, to maintain a copy of this data. Whole Technology takes data protection a step further by backing up all your cloud data to its own data center. In the case described above, Whole Technology would be able to restore all deleted emails up to a month after the incident. Whole Technology has partnered with VEEAM and Microsoft Azure to provide backup services for cloud-based data. You can rest assured knowing that Whole Technology is helping you keep all of your data protected, no matter where it resides.